Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring and Play

Friday we took a playdate field trip to the Women's Center where our little playgroup all started. They had a music lady there and it was so much fun to watch the kids dancing and playing with the instruments. After all the music and movement fun we headed to the park to enjoy the gorgeous weather - hopefully an indication of things to come!
It was so much fun to see them play. This was our first visit to the park and it was like a whole new world for Isaac; room to run, swings, slides, tunnels. I don't think there's a better feeling than knowing he was having fun running independently around the little playground while I sat on the blanket and had lunch with my friends.
I love to watch him walk around. He is so proud, so independent and so ready to explore. I can tell that he thinks he is pretty big stuff... It's like a whole new little boy was born when he started walking.
Going through all these phases, there is not one better than the last and it just gets better and better with every passing day. There are moments when I miss the tiny baby napping for hours at a time in my arms and snuggling for more than 10 seconds, but I wouldn't give up tomorrow for any of that. Just seeing him walk towards me - okay, waddle towards me - with this eyes shining, grinning from ear to ear or blabbering something with such conviction just makes my day. Every time.